4 Money Generating Activities to Do In Your Business Right Now

When you’re a business owner, staying on top of revenue and cash flow in your business is absolutely essential. A steady stream of money coming into your business, as well as some of it flowing out, is a sign of a healthy and thriving business. However, it can take time for the stream of income to even out and flow consistently. To help even out that balance and speed up the process for seeing a faster return, it’s important to integrate income producing activities into your daily tasks and operations.

What are income producing activities?

Income producing activities are those tasks you do in your business every day to make sales, generate income, and increase profit. These are important to integrate into the flow of daily operations within your business so that they can be performed efficiently, smoothly, and routinely. Having these tasks be part of your normal, everyday routine will help speed up the process and generate income more quickly.

What are some activities you can be doing in your business right now to generate income?

Even if you’re in the beginning stages of your business and have very little to no money flowing in, there are still several activities you can and should be doing every day to generate income. If your business is in more advanced stages, these activities are still very important for your business and should continue to be a part of daily operations. 

Money generating activities don’t have to be complex or complicated to be effective! Keep these activities simple and easy to accomplish but also make sure they are impacting your business in a positive way. 

Let’s talk about some activities you can start doing right now and bring money into your business faster!

#1 Email a Potential Client (Ask for the Sale)

It may feel scary to reach out to potential clients and share your services with them, but we often miss out on awesome opportunities to grow our businesses when we let fear get the better of us and don’t ask for the sale. Even if you think the people you know don’t need your services, try stepping out of your comfort zone and asking anyway! You honestly never know where people are at in their lives or what they’re needing, and they may actually be looking for what you have to offer. And if you’re worried you’ll annoy the people you’re reaching out to, know that there’s no shame in just simply trying!

#2 Nudge a Client to Pay an Old Invoice

I think we all freeze up at the thought of asking people for money. Yikes! It can definitely be an uncomfortable feeling to broach the subject of unpaid invoices with clients you’ve been working with. However, you deserve to be paid for the work you’ve completed. This is business; it’s not personal. If you’re giving your time and energy to a client and a project, then you should be getting paid your fair share. If a client has failed to pay an invoice, go ahead and give them a little nudge. Remind them of the invoice that they still need to pay and let them know that you can’t complete any further work until the invoice is settled. If it helps you, schedule a specific time and day in your calendar to reach out to that client so that you can gather your thoughts and your courage. Failing to settle up on unpaid invoices is a big loss to your business and will keep you from growing, so make sure you’re not ignoring them!

#3 Send Weekly Newsletters to Your Mailing List

Sending weekly newsletters to your audience is a very effective way of boosting sales in your business. Weekly emails help warm your audience up to you, your business, and the services you offer. They help people see who you are, your core values, and your passion, which helps them like, know, and trust you even more. People want to work with people. They want to connect with someone they can relate to and feel seen with. Newsletters help create that connection. Newsletters also keep your audience updated on your services, any changes you’re making, and new services you’re launching. Even if someone hasn’t bought from you before, they may buy from you later on as they read your newsletters and get to know you and your services better!

#4 Make Announcements about Your Current Offers

Announcements are super important! If you’re not talking about your business and sharing about your offers, then no one is going to know about it. Even if you feel like you’ve shared about it before, keep sharing! With all of the information we’re being constantly bombarded by every day, it’s very easy to lose or forget things we were interested in. Continuing to share about your business gives your audience more opportunities to see your offers and make the decision to work with you. People need to see something at least 7 times before deciding to buy and that average is going up more and more all the time. Make announcements a routine task in your business and set up a calendar for when, where, and what your announcements will be so you never have to worry about what you’ve shared and how often you’ve shared it.

Now Go Make Some Money!

Integrating these income generating activities into daily operations will help bring money into your business faster and help your business grow even bigger! Which of these activities will you start making a daily task in your business?

If you’ve been needing help generating income in your business or you just feel disorganized, unproductive, or inefficient with business operations, then consider scheduling a VIP day with me!

On this VIP day, you and I will work one-on-one together to set up your business systems and create an effective workflow for day-to-day operations. This will help you get organized, streamlined, and productive in your business and you won’t have to worry about missing something important!


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